Strengthening teachers’ transversal competencies: the role of the teacher-mentor
After the completion of Result 1: Mentor 2.0 Program, we start the next phase of the project in which the project consortium will focus on the design of Gamified Learning Modules aimed at formal education teachers in order to improve their knowledge and skills in the development of their professional work as transmitters of knowledge while integrating in this function the role of mentor of their students, thus making formal education more attractive and adapted to the current demands of the student body.
Taking as a reference the conclusions obtained in the first phase and the recommendations provided by the more than 1000 formal education teachers and students surveyed and those who participated in the focus groups, the consortium will proceed with the design of Gamified Learning Modules that will address the following topics:
- Strengthening self- motivation;
- Discovering and managing talents;
- Team building and leadership at school and in the classroom;
- Digital tools in school enhancing inclusive education;
- School’s role in circular economy, practical environmental education;
- Cooperation between school and the external environment, particularly employers.
Once the contents have been developed, they will be validated firstly by all the members of the consortium and then by at least 125 teachers who will be interviewed to give us their opinion on them and suggest improvements on the contents and their presentation in an attractive way, thus ensuring that the training meets the requirements of the target audience (formal education teachers) and the final beneficiaries (formal education students).
If you are a formal education teacher and would like to participate in this phase of the project, do not hesitate to contact us through the contact form.
More information about the project can be found here: