Projekt Siła Bieszczad

Siła Bieszczad/ENDED

Next Bieszczady Grit trip begins in:

26.08-1.09; 03-09.09; 14-20.09; 22-28.09; 01-07.10.
FE Power

Project value: PLN 903 827, 40
European Funds Contribution: PLN 852 218, 85

The aim of the project is to develop the potential of Bieszczady residents who are above 25 years of age or higher. In order to achieve this objective, the Outdoor Learning model and competence workshops incorporating group coaching elements are used.

The project is dedicated to residents of the Czarna, Lutowiska, Ustrzyki Dolne, Baligród, Cisna, Lesko, Olszanica, Solina, Komańcza, Tyrawa Wołoska, Zagórz, and Bircza communes, aged above 25.

Outdoor education brings about multiple benefits and develops skills such as:

  • creating safe space for self-development,
  • problem solving,
  • building constructive relationships and proper team-based behaviours,
  • setting milestones.Dzięki wyprawie w plener wzmocnimy również kompetencje społeczne uczestników.

An outdoor trip serves to boost the participants’’ social competences, while subsequent parts of the project will enhance their digital skills, develop mathematical thinking, and make them better at understanding and creating information.

Projekt Siła Bieszczad

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