New Education Forum
New Education Forum is a CIE-coordinated platform for exchanging knowledge, experiences and contacts in the field of educational innovation. NEF works across Europe, bringing together representatives of over 190 institutions from 17 EU member states: European regions and cities, higher education and research institutions, as well as employers from a variety of industries.

NEF in Brussels
The first NEF meeting was held in Euro Parliament in 2015. Meetings held from 2015 to 2019 attracted over 600 participants.
The first NEF meeting was held in Euro Parliament in 2015. Meetings held from 2015 to 2019 attracted over 600 participants.
- promoting transversal competences as essential labour resources,
- promoting vocational education and training as efficient means of supporting the labour market and improving the perception of vocational educational and training by preventing prejudice and exclusion,
- finding innovative directions for education, aiming to engage individuals in difficult circumstances, particularly NEET youth (young people out of work and educational),
- building bridges between EU regions and European institutions in respect of the three abovementioned issue.
How do we carry out our objectives?
NEF achieves its aims by means of Regional Meetings and annual New Education Forums held in the European Parliament in November.
NEF also holds meeting across the European Union with a view to obtaining direct access to best practices and augmenting relationship networks.
NEF across Regions
REGIONAL MEETINGS are held to exchange experiences, conduct debates, and implement innovative educational strategies in the European Union. Working with domestic companies, we analyse local conditions, raise questions, and look for answers and practical solutions meeting the needs of the local job market. By 2020, regional NEFs had been held in Edinburgh, Limerick, Olsztyn, Poznan, Santander, and Warsaw.
NEF operates REGIONALLY to:
- develop innovative educational strategies used across various European regions and to boost their international recognition,
- create a wider pedagogical perspective facilitating the development of new ideas and solutions in participating cities and regions,
- create access to a broad network of experts and innovators, particularly the originators of changes in vocational and innovative education.
NEF in the world and in Poland:
2019, Bruksela
2019, Poznań
2018, Bruksela
2017, Edynburg
2017, Turyn
2017, Bruksela
2015, Warszawa